About Mozaīka
Mozaīka is a non-governmental organization founded in 2006 with the goal of improving the legal situation of LGBT people in Latvia. Founders, members and supporters of Mozaīka are united by the understanding that a healthy and strong democracy can only be formed in countries where every citizen feels equal, free to shape their professional and private life as they see fit, and confident that the state will defend their rights.
Long-term goals
- Creating the preconditions for eradicating intolerance on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
- Promoting the alignment of Latvian law with international norms and good practices of other countries in the field of human rights.
- Promoting public awareness about the existence of different sexual orientations and gender identities and other related issues.
- Promoting public understanding of the diversity of family models and legal recognition of their rights.
- Strengthening and supporting the LGBT community and defending the interests of the LGBT community in Latvia and the world.
- Mozaīka is a membership organization. It's governing bodies are the general meeting of members and the board.
- The general meeting of members convenes once a year. It elects the board, chairman and auditor.
- The board manages and represents Mozaīka, is responsible for the office and financial activities, record keeping, employees and volunteers. The work of a board member is voluntary.
Mozaīka's board

Mozaīka's executive body is the board, which consists of five board members. Mozaīka is represented either by the chairwoman of the board individually or by any two members of the board together.

Kristīne Garina
Chair of the Board
I work in Mozaīka because everyone has to be the change they want to see in the world.

Kaspars Zālītis
Board member
I work in Mozaīka because I believe that change is possible.

Aleksandrs Ivanajevs
Board member
Working in Mozaīka gives me opportunity to take part in creating change.

Jana Jarinovska
Board member
I believe that society is accepting and open - one just has to learn empathy, because you don't always have to understand something to accept it.

Elīna Geida
Board member
I work to help create change, and, through my own education, to pass on a message and information to society
Contacts and details
Name: LGBT un viņu draugu apvienība Mozaīka
Registration number: 40008100122
Legal address: Stabu iela 19-2, Rīga, LV-1011
Phone: +371 28440340
E-mail: office@mozaika.lv
Bank: A/S Swedbank
Account number: LV62HABA0551012826666
Public benefit organization: Decision No.32.6/8.71/22412